As soon as a man believeth in Christ Jesus, his sins are gone from him, and gone away for ever. They are blotted out now. What if a man owe a hundred pounds, yet if he has got a receipt for it, he is free, it is blotted out, there is an erasure made in the book, and the debt is gone. Though the man commit sin yet the debt having been paid before even the debt was acquired, he is no more a debtor to the law of God. Doth not Scripture say, that God has cast his people’s sins into the depths of the sea? Now, if they are in the depths of the sea, they cannot be on his people too. Blessed be his name, in the day when he casts our sins into the depth of the sea, he views us as pure in his sight, and we stand accepted in the beloved. Then he says, “As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.” They cannot be removed and be here still. Then if thou believest in Christ, thou art no more in the sight of God a sinner, thou art accepted as though thou wert perfect, as though thou had at kept the law, — for Christ has kept it, and his righteousness is thine. You have broken it, but your sin is his, and he has been punished for it.
From a sermon entitled "None But Jesus," delivered February 17, 1861. Flickr photo by Ville Miettinen; some rights reserved.
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