Brethren, do you and I think enough of heaven? Do we not think too much of earth? Do we not think too much of the toil, and too little of the time when it shall all be over? A few more days and you and I, believers, shall have done fighting with Satan, have done with temptations, have done with cares, have done with woes. An hour’s work and an eternity of rest! One day’s toil; and when I shall have accomplished as an hireling my day, then thou comest, O sweet and gentle rest! "For they rest from their labors, and their works do follow them." Courage, pilgrim courage! Up that crag, man! Now put hand and knee to it — up! — for when you have climbed a little higher, ay, but a very little, you shall lie down to rest, and then no more fatigue or sorrow. And there too, when we come to the top of the hill of God, we shall be above all the clouds of worldly care, and sin, and temptation. Oh! How deep is the rest of the people of God above! How calm is their sky!
From a sermon entitled "Climbing the Mountain," delivered June 16, 1861. Flickr photo by Deepak; some rights reserved.
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