We believe that the Father is God, and we ascribe unto him greatness, for we believe that he made the world and settled the pillars thereof; that he fashioned the universe, and that he moves the starry orbs through space. We look up to the wondrous depths of shoreless night, and we see the starry fleet sailing alone, and we believe that God is their captain. We look further still, and as by the aid of science we discover the void illimitable, we believe that God dwells there, and is the infinite Creator and preserver of all things that exist and subsist. We ascribe greatness unto him, the Creator and the Protector of the world.... We solemnly subscribe to the creed of St. Athanasius, that though there are not three Gods, but one God, yet there are three persons in the glorious Trinity in unity of the everlasting Jehovah, unto whom belong the shouts of the universe, the songs of angels, and the ascription of our united praise, Our God, then, is to be understood as Father, Son, Holy Ghost! one God whom we adore, — and the words of Moses apply to the God of Christians as well as to the God of Jews: — “Ascribe ye greatness unto our God.”
From a sermon entitled "The Great Supreme," delivered September 28, 1856. Flickr photo by Brian; some rights reserved.
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