Our faith must take God at his word, or it cannot taste the sweetness of his abounding peace. The child that cannot trust its parent, cannot expect to have the freedom from care which is childhood’s dear inheritance; but the more fully we can rest upon our Father’s promise, the more we can feel that it is not for us to enquire how he can do this, nor how he can do that, nor when he will deliver us, but can altogether leave everything with him: and lean on him alone without a second helper, then it is that our rest becomes profound and undisturbed.
O you who are in the church, and yet cannot rest as you could wish, ask the Lord to increase your faith. O you who do trust him, but are often staggered, go again to the cross-foot and look to him who suffered there; look again to the precious sin-atoning blood; look up once more into the great Father’s face who accepts those that trust in Jesus, and you shall yet have the perfect rest which God gives only to believers.
From a sermon entitled "Rest," delivered April 18, 1869. Image by Satoru Kikuchi under Creative Commons License.
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