Daily reflection and inspiration from the "Prince of Preachers," Charles Haddon Spurgeon.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Giving God the morning
Let us give the Lord the bud of the day, its virgin beauty, its unsullied purity. Say what you will about the evening, and there are many points about it which make it an admirable season for devotion, yet the morning is the choice time. Is it not a queenly hour? See how it is adorned with diamonds more pure than those which flash in the crowns of eastern potentates. The old proverb declares that they who would be rich must rise early; surely those who would be rich towards God must do so. No dews fall in the middle of the day, and it is hard to keep up the dew and freshness of one’s spirit in the worry, and care, and turmoil of midday; but in the morning the dew should fail upon our fleece till it is filled therewith; and it is well to wring it out before the Lord, and give him our morning’s vigor, our morning’s freshness and unction.
From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "Morning And Evening Songs." Image by Ernst Vikne on Flickr under Creative Commons License.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Trifling with Divine Truth
There are some truths which must be believed, they are essential to salvation, and if not heartily accepted the soul will be ruined.... Now, in those days the saints did not say, as the sham saints do now, “We must be largely charitable, and leave this brother to his own opinion; he sees truth from a different standpoint, and has a rather different way of putting it, but his opinions are as good as our own, and we must not say that he is in error.” That is at present the fashionable way of trifling with divine truth, and making things pleasant all round. Thus the gospel is debased and another gospel propagated....
It was not in this way that the apostles regarded error. They did not prescribe large-hearted charity towards falsehood, or hold up the errorist as a man of deep thought, whose views were “refreshingly original;” far less did they utter some wicked nonsense about the probability of there being more faith in honest doubt than in half the creeds. They did not believe in justification by doubting, as our neologians do; they set about the conversion of the erring brother; they treated him as a person who needed conversion, and viewed him as a man who, if he were not converted, would suffer the death of his soul, and be covered with a multitude of sins. They were not such easy-going people as our cultured friends of the school of “modern thought,” who have learned at last that the deity of Christ may be denied, the work of the Holy Spirit ignored, the inspiration of Scripture rejected, the atonement disbelieved, and regeneration dispensed with, and yet the man who does all this may be as good a Christian as the most devout believer!
O God, deliver us from this deceitful infidelity, which while it does damage to the erring man, and often prevents his being reclaimed, does yet more mischief to our own hearts by teaching us that truth is unimportant, and falsehood a trifle, and so destroys our allegiance to the God of truth, and makes us traitors instead of loyal subjects to the King of kings.
From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "To Sabbath-School Teachers And Other Soulwinners," delivered October 19, 1873. Image by Greg on Flickr under Creative Commons License.
Holy Spirit,
Monday, August 29, 2011
A future state for believers
...Paul... was convinced that there is a future state for believers, he was quite sure about it, and he believed it to be a future conscious state, which commenced the moment they died, and was beyond measure full of blessedness.
He did not believe in purgatorial fires through which believers’ souls must pass; much less did he believe the modern and detestable heresy which some have broached, that like the body the soul of the saint dies until the resurrection; but he was wont to speak of being “absent from the body and present with the Lord,” and here he speaks about departing not to sleep or to lie in the cold shade of oblivion till the trumpet should arouse him, but to depart and immediately to be with Christ, which is far better.
From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "For Ever With The Lord," delivered October 12, 1873. Image by mike138 on Flickr under Creative Commons License.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
The plain preaching of Christ crucified
I once heard a sermon, most philosophic and metaphysical, which was prefaced by a prayer that God would convert sinners by it, a prayer which seemed a sarcasm upon the discourse.
We have had enough of intellectualism and oratorical polish, let them both be thrown out of window, as Jezebel was, with her painted cheeks, and let something better take their place — even the plain preaching of Christ crucified.
Since there is such infidelity abroad, is it not time for Christians to rise above the atmosphere of doubt, and walk in the light of God?
From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "Signs of the Times," delivered October 5, 1873. Image by mike138 on Flickr under Creative Commons License.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Wherever the Gospel is preached
Wherever the true gospel is preached it promotes holiness, and in so doing acts according to its nature, creating its like. There is not a doctrine of the gospel which is not according to godliness, none of its blessings make provision for the flesh, none of its precepts encourage sin, none of its promises wink at iniquity. The spirit of the gospel is the spirit of holiness always; it wages determined war against the lustings of the flesh, and consequently the gospel is abhorred by the unclean. It lays the axe at the root of sin, and like a fire devours all evil.
As for the Lord Jesus Christ himself, is he not immaculate holiness? If you would see holiness embodied, where can you look but to the person of our well-beloved Master? Where are his imperfections? Can you find a flaw either in his language or in his actions, in himself or in the spirit that moved him? Is he not altogether perfect?
From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "Paved With Love," delivered September 28, 1873. Image by on Flickr under Creative Commons License.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
In the flesh or in the Spirit
We are either in the flesh or in the Spirit. Every man is born in the flesh, and if let alone he will follow the desires and devices of his fleshly nature, as every unregenerate man does. Some follow their fleshly nature coarsely, and run into vice; others follow it in a more refined manner, and live to gain wealth, to gratify taste, or to gain the approbation of their fellow men, all which is of the flesh. Now, there is another state, and that is called being in the Spirit; into this condition we are admitted by the new birth.
When a man walks in the Spirit he recognizes something higher than that which can be touched by the hand, and seen with the eye, and heard with the ear. He has entered into a new world, and is a citizen of a spiritual realm. He has come where God is real to him, where Christ is real to him, where truth is real, where sin is hateful, where holiness is lovely to him. Judge you, my brethren, whether you know anything concerning this.
From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "A Fatal Deficiency," delivered September 21, 1873. Image by mike138 on Flickr under Creative Commons License.
Holy Spirit,
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Let not beginners be discouraged

The gospel seed, according to the parable, falls upon all kinds of soil. Some of its precious grains drop upon the hard pathway, some upon the rock, some amongst the thorns, and only a portion, perhaps a smaller proportion than one in four, falls upon good ground, in which it finds a congenial abiding-place. The preacher, therefore, will not meet with unmixed success in all directions. He may look for a full recompense from his work as a whole, but he must not fondly suppose that everywhere the good word will become effectual; for in many it will be a savor of death unto death, and not of life unto life.
Even when Jesus preached but few received him, and of Paul’s ministry it is recorded that “some believed the things which were spoken, and some believed not.” It is for the beginner in holy service to go forward with reasonable expectations, lest he should ere long weary of the work and leave it because of his bitter disappointments.
From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "The Seed Upon Stony Ground," delivered September 14, 1873. Image by Digital Wallpapers on Flickr under Creative Commons License.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Does sin trouble you?
Does sin trouble you? Then remember that it is written, “All manner of sin and of blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men.” Remember this again, “The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.” And hear yet again this word, “Come now, and let us reason together: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”
Do you know, I feel right happy to have to talk to you about this, and yet I feel a dart going through me lest I should not speak of it as I ought to do; for, Oh, I would that poor troubled sinners would see that sin need not deter them from coming to a reconciled God. The blood of Jesus Christ has already removed from before the throne of justice all the transgressions of all those who come and rest in Jesus. If you believe in the Savior sent of God, your sin is already gone, and you are accepted in the Beloved.
From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "Clearing The Road To Heaven." Image by Leo-setä on Flickr under Creative Commons License.
Monday, August 22, 2011
A Revival In Your Own Souls
The Spirit of God in the church is the standing miracle which proves that she is of God. Were the Spirit of God gone from her it would be impossible for the church to hold her ground, but the Holy Ghost abiding in the church, is the testimony of God to his church and the strength of her testimony for her God.
Beloved, if the Holy Ghost shall come upon you and rest on you continually, you will sweetly tell of your Lord’s grace, and of his dying love. The right words will come, for it shall be often given you in the same hour what you shall speak. The right emotions will attend the words, for the Spirit of God creates tenderness and pity. The ice will melt in your spirit, the hard frosts of your long backsliding winter will yield to the returning sun of righteousness, the season of cold and death shall be over and gone, and the time of the singing of birds shall have come to your soul. Then will you be able to teach transgressors God’s ways. O brethren, pray for a revival in your own souls. Beseech the Holy Spirit to come upon you; entreat the Lord to send the breath from the four winds, not only upon the dry bones, but also upon the men who have to prophesy in the valley of the dead.
From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "The Christian's Great Business," delivered September 7, 1873. Image by L Lemos on Flickr under Creative Commons License.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
A radical change of man's nature
It is a peculiar feature in our holy religion that it begins its work within, and acts first upon the heart. Other religions, like that of the Pharisees, begin with outward forms and ceremonies, perhaps hoping to work inwardly from without, although the process never ends so, for the outside of the cup and of the platter is made clean, but the inside still remains full of rottenness as before. No truth is more sure than this concerning all the sons of men, "Ye must be born again;" there must be an entire and radical change of man’s nature, or else where God is he can never come: the gospel does not flinch from this, but enforces the declaration. The Holy Spirit does not attempt to improve human nature into something better, but lays the axe at the root of the trees, and declares that we must become new creatures, and that by a supernatural work of the omnipotent God.
From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "The Heart of Flesh," delivered August 31, 1873. Image by joiseyshowaa on Flickr under Creative Commons License.
born again,
Holy Spirit,
Friday, August 19, 2011
He need not have died at all
A substitutionary death for love’s sake in ordinary cases would be but a slightly premature payment of that debt of nature which must be paid by all. But such is not the case with Jesus. Jesus needed not die at all; there was no ground or reason why he should die apart from his laying down his life in the room and place and stead of his friends. Up there in the glory was the Christ of God for ever with the Father, eternal and everlasting; no age passed over his brow; we may say of him, “Thy locks are bushy and black as the raven, thou hast the dew of thy youth.” He came to earth and assumed our nature that he might be capable of death, yet remember, though capable of death, his body need not have died; as it was it never saw corruption, because there was not in it the element of sin which necessitated death and decay.
Our Lord Jesus, and none but he, could stand at the brink of the grave and say, “No man taketh my life from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down and I have power to take it again.” We poor mortal men have only power to die, but Christ had power to live. Crown him, then! Set a new crown upon his beloved head! Let other lovers who have died for their friends be crowned with silver, but for Jesus bring forth the golden diadem, and set it upon the head of the Immortal who never needed to have died, and yet became a mortal, yielding himself to death’s pangs without necessity, except the necessity of his mighty love.
From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "Love's Crowning Deed," delivered August 24, 1873. Image by joiseyshowaa on Flickr under Creative Commons License.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Harvest Men Wanted!
Ministers who do not aim to cut deep are not worth their salt. God never sent the man who never troubles men’s consciences. Such a man may be an ass treading down the corn, but a reaper he certainly is not. We want faithful ministers; pray God to send them. Ask him to give us men who will preach the whole truth, who will not be afraid of certain humbling doctrines, but will bring out, for instance, the doctrine of election, and not be ashamed of it, who will tell men that salvation is of the Lord, and will not go about to please them by letting them have a finger in salvation, as though they were to share in the glory of it. Oh for laborers who can use sharp cutting sickles upon ungodly hearts!
From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "Harvest Men Wanted," delivered August 17, 1873. Image by George Lu on Flickr under Creative Commons License.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
The Thought of Eternal Love
How ravishing is the thought of eternal love! Try to drink it in: if you are a believer in Christ you were loved before time began its cycles; in that old eternity, or o’er the earth was born, you were beloved of the Lord. You were dear to Jehovah’s heart when this great world, the sun, the moon, the stars, slept in the mind of God like unborn forests in an acorn-cup. He loved you with an everlasting and infinite love. Rejoice in this and let your souls be glad. Never forget that election is the source of every favor, for the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ, according as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world.
From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "A Song Concerning Lovingkindnesses," delivered August 10, 1873. Image by George Lu on Flickr under Creative Commons License.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Taking advantage of His Love
When for a long time no great changes have occurred in the world, no remarkable judgments, no visitations of famine, pestilence, or war, men are very apt to grow carnally secure, and to take license to sin from the merciful respite which ought to have led them to gratitude, and through gratitude to obedience. At certain periods it has seemed to the Most High to be imperatively necessary to send great calamities upon mankind lest pride oppression, and profanity should cause society utterly to rot.
The fall of dynasties, the overthrow of empires, devastating wars, and dire famines have been necessities of God’s moral government, bits in men’s mouths, bridles for their arrogance, checks to their licentiousness. The Lord is slow to smite the wicked, for his tender mercy is great, and he delights not in the sufferings of men, and therefore he keeps his arrows in his quiver, and hangs up his bow; but, alas, men take advantage of his love to grow grossly sinful, and to blaspheme his name.
From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "The World On Fire," delivered August 3, 1873. Image by binnyva on Flickr under Creative Commons License.
Monday, August 15, 2011
God would have his ministers be like transparent glass, which lets the rays of the sun pass through unchanged; and not like painted windows, which color all the rays after their own nature. Through infirmity we all give some amount of colouring to the gospel, but he is the man according to God’s order of ministry who longs to let the gospel shine right through him, and does not send upon the people anything of his own except the earnestness which the gospel works in him as it streams through him.
As some glass adds heat to light by concentrating the rays, so should the minister add heat to the gospel, but woe unto him if he adds anything beyond. Brethren, we have nothing to tell you which we have invented, so that if you are saved by it, it will not be due to our skill. We have nothing to tell you but what God commits to us, and therefore God will have all the glory if your souls be saved.
From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "God Beseeching Sinners By His Ministers," delivered July 27, 1873. Image by paul bica on Flickr under Creative Commons License.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
The great power of the Spirit
...our sorrows often arise from our not observing the Holy Spirit. He is in us, and he shall be with us for ever. We are troubled about the little progress of the kingdom of God in the world, but if we believe in the Holy Ghost we shall soon get our courage back again.
There is no reason why the simplest sermon, preached in the humblest place, should not at any time be the commencement of a great revival. There is no reason known to us why the simple preaching of Jesus Christ, on any one Sabbath day, should not prove to be the conversion of all the hearers, and, through the hearers, very speedily of an entire nation. We do not know as yet — we have none of us, probably, any notion of — the great power of the Spirit of God.
From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "A Welcome Discovery. Image by mendhak on Flickr under Creative Commons License.
Holy Spirit,
Friday, August 12, 2011
God will supply strength to us
Times of weakness will happen to us all: a great strain may be put upon us, and we may become exhausted, or, under severe depression of spirit, we may imagine ourselves to be ready to die; but at all such times God will supply strength to us: our extremity will be his opportunity; our time of famine will be his hour of plenty. Is not his strength made perfect in weakness? Is it not written that “he giveth power to the faint, and to them that have no might he increaseth strength?”
David sung in the One Hundred and Third Psalm, “He satisfieth my mouth with good things; so that my youth is renewed like the eagle’s,” and he expected it always to be so. “He restoreth my soul,” says he in the Twenty-third Psalm. Often do his psalms which commence in painful depression conclude with exultation, because heavenly love had poured fresh life into his swooning soul. From many a soul-sickness had the son of Jesse been recovered, from many a sinking had he been lifted up into holy joy.... Expect this, then, my brethren, that God will give you new strength as you shall require it. “As thy days, so shall thy strength be.”
From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "Fresh Grace Confidently Expected," delivered July 20, 1873. Image by Earl Wilkerson on Flickr under Creative Commons License.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Sunshine and Showers
Pentecost is followed by persecution: Peter’s sermon by Peter’s imprisonment. Though today a church may flourish abundantly, in a very short time it may be visited with stern adversities, it may be tried none the less, but all the more, because God is in its midst, and is blessing it....
A Christian man is seldom long at ease. Our life, like April weather, is made up of sunshine and showers... Nothing beneath the moon can be depended upon, all things are invariably variable. “Boast not thyself of to-morrow,” saith the wise man; and he might have added, “Boast not thyself of to-day, for thou knowest not how the evening may close, however brightly the morning may have opened.”
Let us learn this lesson at the outset, let us not reckon upon the continuance of present ease, nor fix our happiness upon the fickle weather of this world, but let us be ready for changes, so that, come when they may, we shall not be afraid of evil tidings, our heart being fixed, trusting in the Lord.
From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "Christ Asleep In The Vessel," delivered July 13, 1873. Image by Tim Wang on Flickr under Creative Commons License.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
We dare not go away
How many sermons are published now-a-days, as well as preached, which are full of what is called thought. By the cant word “thought” is generally meant contradicting the plain meaning of scripture, and starting new notions. A man who preaches plainly what God reveals is said to be an echo of the Puritans, a dealer in platitudes, a repeater at second-hand of exploded dogmas; but to find out some new lie every week to tell your people, to shake their faith in inspiration every time you open your mouth, and make them believe that there is nothing certain, but that everything is a mere matter of opinion — that is “thought and culture” in these days; and there are in certain dissenting pulpits the most miserable specimens of this school, and in the pews a number of their silly admirers.
Brethren, some of us are too old-fashioned ever to be led astray in that way, and what is more, we have such an awful appetite, we are possessed of such a dreadful hunger, and such insatiable thirst, that we dare not go away from the apple tree, because we want to be always eating; we dare not go away from Jesus Christ, because we are always wanting pardon, always wanting peace, always wanting fresh life, and provided we can retain our hold on Jesus we are not particular about the way in which some of these wonderful trees twist their boughs. We do not feel concerned about the marvels of modern thought, or the resurrections of ancient errors.
From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "The Apple Tree In The Wood," delivered July 6, 1873. Image by paul bica on Flickr under Creative Commons License.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Repent and believe now
I pray you, do have a little patience with us who preach to you, for our time is short, and you will soon be rid of us. Have a little patience with your Bible, it will soon enough be out of your way! Have a little patience with your poor Christian mother who tries to bring you to the Savior, she will be far from you soon! We, who now trouble you by desiring to do you good, will soon be out of your way.
Ah, poor souls! poor souls! for you will then be out of God’s way, and out of Christ’s way, and out of mercy’s way, banished from the Savior’s presence; and that because the kingdom of God came nigh unto you, and ye put it away from you, for ye would have none of the Lord’s reproofs, but ye turned every one to his own way, and rejected the counsels of God against yourselves. Beloved hearers, may none of you stand in that plight. While I breathe the prayer that it may not be so, may I ask you to pray for yourselves that it will not be so. Will you let me whisper in your ear, as though I stood close by each one of you now; and I will softly and lovingly say, — Repent, and believe in Jesus, now, with all thy might. God help thee, “for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.”
From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "The Spur." Image by Steve-h on Flickr under Creative Commons License.
Monday, August 8, 2011
And you are all brothers
The Lord Jesus is to you your Master, in the sense of contrast to all other governing powers. You are men, and naturally moved by that which moves other men, but still the master motive power with every one of you who is a Christian is the supremacy of Christ. There are some among your fellow servants to whom you render respect, just as in a large firm there are foremen set over different parts of the work, to whom a measure of deference is fitly rendered. Still, as the overseer is not the chief authority, so your earthly superiors are not in the highest sense masters over you.
The highest of your fellow workmen in your Lord’s service is far, far, far below the Master; ministers and fathers in Christ are not the ultimate authorities to whom you bow, and whatever esteem you may pay even to such glorious names as those of Peter, and James, and John, you still regard them but as your fellow servants. “One is your Master, even Christ, and all ye are brethren.” In this sense we are not servants of men, yea, we know no man after the flesh. We are in subjection to the Father of Spirits, but neither to Pope in Rome, nor bishop at home; we are the Lord’s free men, and cheerfully obey those whom he sets over us in his church: but we yield to none who claim lordship over us, and would divert us from obeying the Lord Jesus only.
From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "The Way To Honor." Image by Steve-h on Flickr under Creative Commons License.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
The one who trusts Christ is secure
God must be false to all his promises, belie his oath, degrade his Son, before he can suffer a soul that seeth the Son and believeth on him to perish. Ye are all safe enough if you are resting there. Do not let a doubt disturb you. Go your way full of peace and consolation, and the Lord be with you! But, oh, if you have never believed in Jesus, may your spirits never know any rest till you do! May you never be content till you flee to him, and rest on him! The Lord grant it, for his dear name’s sake. Amen.
From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "The Father's Will. Image by Steve-h on Flickr under Creative Commons License.
Friday, August 5, 2011
We need our Sabbaths
Ah, brethren, this age is an age of care. We live too fast by half, we do too much and accomplish, therefore, too little. Our good sires could afford time for lengthened family devotions of a character which seem impossible to us. They could listen to sermons which would altogether tire us, and snap the bands of our patience, because their minds wore of a more solid order and their lives were vexed with fewer cares. We are all hack and hurry, we ride the whirlwind, we are scarcely satisfied with the speed of lightning. Now, Christian people cannot rush at this pace without serious injury to themselves unless they often refresh themselves with the comforts of God.
The Sabbath day is the great safeguard for the sanity of merchants and business men, and those who break the Sabbath to bring business cares into the one day in seven act a suicidal part. If oftener in the other six days Christian men would get alone with God, pour out their hearts before him, tell him their cares, and unveil to him their souls, they would have more ease of mind, be more strong for the struggle of life, and less likely to fail through an over-wrought brain. “In the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul.”
The Londoners in the olden times went into the fields on May Day morning to bathe their faces in the dew, for they thought it made them fair; I would that every morning we bathed our faces in the dew of heaven, so should we be comelier to look upon when mingling with men in the business of the day. If every night before we went to sleep we dipped our foot in the ocean of divine love our sleep would be more sweet to us, and care would not corrode and eat into the heart and even into the bodily constitution, as I fear it does in a great number of cases in this weary age. Get away to your God, O Christian!
From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "Medicine For The Distracted," delivered June 8, 1873. Image by Steve-h on Flickr under Creative Commons License.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Work in a spirit of love
...I ask every worker here to take care that he always does his work in a spirit of love, and always regards the Lord Jesus not as a task-master, not as one who has given us work to do from which we would fain escape, but as our dear Lord, whom to serve is bliss, and for whom to die is gain. “O thou whom my soul loveth,” is the right name by which a worker for Jesus should address his Lord.
From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "The Good Shepherdess," delivered June 1, 1873. Image by Steve-h on Flickr under Creative Commons License.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Where a careless walk will lead you
He is not a wise man who says, “I am a believer in Christ, and therefore it little matters what are my inward feelings and experience.” He who so speaks should remember that keeping the heart with all diligence is a precept of inspiration, and that a careless walk usually comes to a very sorrowful ending. The apostle did take account; but when he had done so he was dissatisfied: “I count not myself to have apprehended.” Nor was that dissatisfaction to be regretted: it was a sign of true grace, a conclusion which is always arrived at when saints judge themselves rightly. Most weighty is that word of Chrysostom, “He who thinks he has obtained everything, hath nothing.”
Had Paul been satisfied with his attainments he would never have sought for more. Most men cry “hold,” when they think they have done enough. The man who could honestly write, “I press forward,” you may be quite sure was one who felt that he had not yet apprehended all that might be gained. Self-satisfaction rings the death-knell of progress. There must be a deep-seated discontent with present attainments, or there will never be a striving after the things which are yet beyond.
From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "Onward!," delivered May 25, 1873. Image by Steve-h on Flickr under Creative Commons License.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
When my turn comes
Now, brethren, whenever any man in these times is laughed at for following Christ fully, or ridiculed for bearing an honest testimony for the truth, do not be ashamed of him and turn your backs upon him. Such a man may not expect you to give him double honor, but he may claim that you shall stand shoulder to shoulder with him, and not be ashamed of the reproach which he is called to bear for Christ his Lord. So was it with the church in the olden time, the men who went first in suffering were also first in their love and esteem. They never failed to own that they were brothers to the man who was doomed to die; on the contrary, the Christians of the apostolic times used to do what our Protestant forefathers did in England.
The young Christian people of the church, when there was a martyr to be put to death, would go and stand with tears in their eyes to see him die, and what think ye for? To learn the way! One of them said when his father asked him why he stole out to see his pastor burned, “Father, I did it that I might learn the way;” and he did learn it so well that when his turn came he burned as well, and triumphed in God as gloriously as his minister had done. Learn the way, young man, to bear reproach. Look at those who have been lampooned, and satirized, and say, “Well, I will learn how to take my turn when my turn comes, but as God helps me I will speak for the truth faithfully and boldly.”
From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "Romans, But Not Romanists." Image by Steve-h on Flickr under Creative Commons License.
Monday, August 1, 2011
The simplicity of the Gospel
God be thanked for the simplicity of the gospel. The longer I live the more I bless God that we have not received a classical gospel, or a mathematical gospel, or a metaphysical gospel; it is not a gospel confined to scholars and men of genius, but a poor man’s gospel, a ploughman’s gospel; for that is the kind of gospel which we can live upon and die upon. It is to us not the luxury of refinement, but the staple food of life.
We want no fine words when the heart is heavy, neither do we need deep problems when we are lying upon the verge of eternity, weak in body and tempted in mind. At such times we magnify the blessed simplicity of the gospel. Jesus in the flesh made manifest becomes our soul’s bread. Jesus bleeding on the cross, a substitute for sinners, is our soul’s drink. This is the gospel for babes, and strong men want no more.
From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "Soul-Satisfying Bread," delivered May 18, 1873. Image by Steve-h on Flickr under Creative Commons License.
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