Friday, April 22, 2011

Sin has been put away!

There is only one sacrifice for sin, there never was another and there never can be. All those offerings under the Aaronic priesthood which were presented because of sin were only representations of the One Sacrifice; they were that and nothing more. Jesus far excels them all. Beloved, if you want to see the lamb that Abel offered on the altar, the lamb because of which God accepted his faith, and had respect unto him, you must see Jesus Christ, for we are accepted in the Beloved. God hath respect unto any man who brings this sacrifice; but unto any who bring a bloodless sacrifice, such as the Cainites of Rome foolishly do when they offer the unbloody sacrifice of the mass, unto them God hath no respect, and never can have.

The blood of Jesus once presented has for ever put away sin, and no further sin offering can be brought.

From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "Behold The Lamb," delivered July 14, 1872. Image by mendhak under Creative Commons License.

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