Saturday, March 5, 2011

Jesus: The Final Altar, Priest and Sacrifice

There is but one altar, Jesus Christ our Lord. All other altars are impostures and idolatrous inventions. Whether of stone, or wood, or brass, they are the toys with which those amuse themselves who have returned to the beggarly elements of Judaism, or else the apparatus with which clerical jugglers dupe the sons and daughters of men.

Holy places made with hands are now abolished; they were once the figures of the true, but now that the substance has come, the type is done away with. The all-glorious person of the Redeemer, God and Man, is the great center of Zion’s temple, and the only real altar of sacrifice. He is the church’s head, the church’s heart, the church’s altar, priest, and all in all.

From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "Praises And Vows Accepted In Zion." Image by Rennett Stowe under Creative Commons License.

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