Friday, May 2, 2008

Rise up!

He speaks to each denomination according to its need, but to the same import, “Rise up and come away; leave deadness and coldness and wrong-doing and hardness and harshness, and bitterness of spirit; leave idleness and slothfulness and lukewarmness; rise up and come away. Come away to preach the Gospel amongst the heathen; come away to reform the masses of this wicked city; come away from your little-heartedness; from your coldness of spirit, come away: the land is, before you; go up and possess it.”

Come away, your Master waits to aid you: strike! He will strike with you; build! he will be the great master builder: plough! He himself shall break the clods; arise and thresh the mountains, for he shall make you a sharp threshing instrument having teeth, and the mountains shall be beaten small until the wind shall scatter them like chaff, and you shall rejoice in the Lord. Rise up, people of God, in this season of revival, and come away! Why sleep ye? "Arise and pray, lest ye enter into temptation.”

From a sermon entitled "A Sermon For Spring," delivered February 23, 1862. Flickr photo by Jeff Kubina; some rights reserved.

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