Thursday, June 21, 2007

A big thank-you to our subscribers!

The Daily Spurgeon is a brand-new blog and already we're noticing that in addition to visiting the site, a number of you are subscribing to receive our posts via e-mail. Our sincere thanks for this "vote" for what we're doing here!

There may be some other readers out there who are adventurous and perhaps a little bit "techie." If that describes you, then you may want to subscribe to our RSS feed and read our updates with a "feed reader." Just click on the orange button in the right-hand column underneath where it says "Subscribe to our Feed." My favorite feed reader is Google Reader, and it has the virtue of being free. Another great, free feed reader is Bloglines. For more info on RSS and feeds, visit here.

If you have a favorite snippet from Spurgeon's writings, please write to us at and we'll see if we can't get it onto the blog. We'll be sure to give you credit for "guest posting."

Thanks again for reading and sharing Spurgeon's preaching ministry with us.

They don't make them like they used to!

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