Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The faith which purifies the soul

Brethren and sisters, it is no slight thing to be holy. A man must not say, “I have faith,” and then fall into the sins of an unbeliever; for, after all, our outer life is the test of our inner life; and if the outer life be not purified, rest assured the heart is not changed. That faith which does not bring forth the fruit of holiness is the faith of devils. The devils believe and tremble. Let us never be content with a faith which can live in hell, but rise to that which will save us — the faith of God’s elect, which purifies the soul, casting down the power of evil, and setting up the throne of Jesus Christ, the throne of holiness within the spirit.

From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "'Bought With A Price,'" delivered August 6, 1871. Image by Christian Revival Network under Creative Commons License.

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