Dost thou not know that if thou now prostratest thyself at the foot of the cross, thou art God’s chosen one? Thy name is engraven on the hand of Jesus, on the heart of God. Before the day-star knew its place or planets ran their round, before the primeval darkness was pierced by the sun’s first ray, thou wast dear to the heart of Deity; thou art his elect, his beloved one: and dost thou not know that the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but the covenant of his love shall never depart from thee, neither shall his grace be removed, saith the Lord, who this morning has manifested his mercy towards thee.
Though thou art but just now converted, there is laid up for thee in heaven a crown of life that fadeth not away. Jesus pleads for thee this very day. He this day prepares one of the many mansions for thine eternal dwelling-place. Be thou of good courage. Angels are singing, heaven is rejoicing over thee, the church on earth is glad concerning thee; and one day, when the great Shepherd shall appear, thou also shalt appear with him in glory, and all this for thee, poor helplessly ruined sinner; helpless in thyself, but saved in Christ Jesus.
From a sermon entitled "Hope, Yet No Hope. No Hope, Yet Hope," delivered April 8, 1866. Image by sophiea under Creative Commons License.
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