He is still faithful and true, immutably the same. Not less than God! No furrows on that eternal brow - no palsy in that mighty arm - no faintness in that Almighty heart - no lack of fullness in his all-sufficiency - no diminution in the keenness of his eye - no defalcation in the purpose of his heart. Omnipotent, immutable, eternal, omnipresent still! God over all, blessed for ever. O Jesus, we adore thee, thou great Amen.
He is the same, too, as to his manhood. Bone of our bone still; in all our afflictions still afflicted. Our brother in ties of blood as much today as when he wore a peasant’s garb, and said, “Foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of Man hath not where to lay his head.” The same heart of sympathy, the same bowels of compassion still; remembering us and bidding us remember him. Not for a moment changed because of the change of his condition. Not for an instant unmindful of us because of the harps of angels and the songs of the redeemed. As quick to hear a sigh or catch a tear today as when in the days of his flesh he comforted his people and carried the lambs in his bosom. The Amen Savior! Oh! Blessed be his name.
From a sermon entitled "The Amen," delivered March 4, 1866. Image by sophiea under Creative Commons License.
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