He never yet said an unkind word to a soul that desired to find mercy at his hands. In the records of his life you may find him try, but you shall never see him repel, an anxious spirit. When feeble faith could only touch the hem of his garment, yet virtue flowed from him. When the leper said, “Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean,” it was but poor faith, but that faith saved him. Though you cannot yet believe as you would, yet say, “Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief,” and he will not reject you. Look at the smoking candle-wick which yields no light, but makes much offensive smoke; yet, perchance, a living fire lingers in it, and therefore the tender Savior will not quench it, but will even fan it to a flame. And that bruised reed, how it mars the music of the pipes; draw it out and break it. So would men do, but not so the sinner’s Friend. He makes it perfect yet again, and pours the music of his love through it.
O thou who art in thine own esteem utterly worthless, only fit to be thrown away, unfit to live and unfit to die; Jesus Christ, the gentle One, will give thee mercy, if thou seek him, and in giving he will not upbraid thee. O wandering child, Jesus will introduce thee to his Father, who will kiss thee with the kisses of his love, and take off thy rags of sin, and clothe thee with glorious robes of righteousness.
From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "Victor Emmanuel, Emancipator." Image by rohit gowaikar under Creative Commons License.
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