With regard to the Christian, he knows that his best things are safe. If the ship be wrecked, yet he never had his treasure on board this earthly vessel; if the thief should break through and steal, yet the thief cannot get at his jewels, for his jewels are hid with Christ in God; if the moth should corrupt and fret his garments, yet his everlasting robe will never be moth-eaten, for that hangs up in the great house above ready for him that he may put it on after he has undressed himself and left his weekday garments in the tomb. His best things are all secure; no time can change them, death destroy them, or Satan rob him of them.
As for his worst things they only work his good. He has his worst things as other men, for he cannot always feast, but his worst things are among his mercies. He gains by his losses, he acquires health by his sickness, he wins friends through his bereavements, and he absolutely becomes a conqueror through his defeats. Nothing therefore can be injurious to the Christian, when the very worst things that he has are but rough waves to wash his golden ships home to port and enrich him.
From a sermon entitled "Cheering Words And Solemn Warnings," delivered January 13, 1867. Image by Noah under Creative Commons License.
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