Let me commend to the Christian, liberality in all his actions, and benevolence in all his thoughts. This may sound commonplace; but I am persuaded that the little tricks in trade, those little savings of the pence, those sharp dealings, are just the things which bring religion into disrepute. It were infinitely better that the Christian should pay too much than too little. He had better be blamed for an excess of generosity, than take credit to himself for a rigid parsimony. Rather let him become now and then the dupe of an imposter, than shut up the bowels of his compassion against his fellowman. I would seek, Christian man, to win a noble character. I cannot see how thou canst do so, except thou shouldst put generosity into the scale, and enroll it in the list of thy virtues.
From a sermon entitled "The Centurion: Of An Exhortation To The Virtuous. Image by Randi Hausken under Creative Commons License.
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