Spurgeon preaching at Surrey
Actually, very little is really new here at The Daily Spurgeon, as the material we publish is over 100 years old. However, we know you find in Spurgeon's writings the timeless truths of the Word of God, set forth pungently, as he might have said.
DECEMBER 30, 2007
I suppose someone will inevitably ask me if Spurgeon would have used Facebook. I can't answer that, but if you use Facebook (and tens of millions now do) you can now add The Daily Spurgeon to yours. Just visit this application link and you'll be off and running. You will have to log in, of course. If you'd like to help us go "viral," be sure to share the Spurgeon app with your Facebook friends and pass the inspiration along.
DECEMBER 1, 2007
One thing I've noticed is that people are very interested in the photographs we use on the site. All of the pictures we use are taken from Flickr, under a Creative Commons license. To download a photo, right-click on it and follow the instructions of your particular browser. However, if you intend to use any of the pictures you must follow the terms of the Creative Commons license. Not to do so is a copyright violation - not to mention rude! In order to see more options for the photo and see the license terms, click on the link we typically run below the Spurgeon excerpt. It will say "Flickr photo by [artist]..." Christians should always observe copyright and licensing laws - it's an important part of your testimony, even if you don't agree with them.
AUGUST 5, 2007
I'm writing to let you know of some features we've recently added and some you might not have known about:
1. You can now read or search for items by category. Simply use the drop-down list in the left column towards the top.
2. You can also e-mail devotional articles you like to a friend by using the "Email this" link which appears at the bottom of every post.
3. You can bookmark articles using the colorful Bookmark button which also appears below posts. This button allows you to save articles or share them on popular social sites like Digg, Del.icio.us, StumbleUpon, Facebook, Reddit, and lots more! Look for this button:
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4. Subscribe to receive our posts by RSS or via e-mail without even needing to return to the site. Look for the orange button in the left-hand column - it looks like this:

We're still a new site, less than two months old, but our growth has been wonderful thanks to your readership and we are having a great time sifting through Spurgeon's material to send you out something inspiring six days a week. Thanks for your support and if you're enjoying The Daily Spurgeon, please use our e-mail links to tell a friend!
God bless,
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