Saturday, March 16, 2013

Never Hesitate To Stand Alone

Never hesitate to stand alone when the truth is to be confessed. Never be overawed by sacerdotalism, or daunted by rage, or swayed by multitudes. Unpopular truth is, nevertheless, eternal, and that doctrine which is scouted and cast out as evil to-day shall bring immortal honor to the man who dares to stand by its side and share its humiliation.... Through flood or flame, in loneliness, in shame, in obloquy, in reproach, follow him! If it be without the camp, follow him! if every step shall cost you abuse and scorn, follow still; yea, to prison and to death still follow him, for as surely as he sitteth at the right hand of power so shall those who love him and have been faithful to his truth sit down upon his throne with him. His overcoming and enthronement are the pledges of the victory both of the truth and of those who courageously espouse it.

From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "Nevertheless. Hereafter." Image by rachel_thecat on Flickr under Creative Commons License.


Chuck O'Neal said...

This is a needed word for an apostate hour with the rise of a new pope and so many "evangelicals" fighting to call off the Reformation in their celebration of the new sacerdotal salvation anitchrist on the throne in Rome. -Chuck O'Neal, Pastor BGBC

Cindy Scottt said...

Chuck O'Neal, can you not give Pope Francis a chance? What about forgiveness and looking forward ???

Anonymous said...

forgiveness? we are NOT justified by grace plus works, but by grace alone. biblical christianity is not a religious system of works but of a heart changed by the grace of God. anything else is to be accursed.
'but even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.' galatians 1:8