Monday, August 22, 2011

A Revival In Your Own Souls

The Spirit of God in the church is the standing miracle which proves that she is of God. Were the Spirit of God gone from her it would be impossible for the church to hold her ground, but the Holy Ghost abiding in the church, is the testimony of God to his church and the strength of her testimony for her God.

Beloved, if the Holy Ghost shall come upon you and rest on you continually, you will sweetly tell of your Lord’s grace, and of his dying love. The right words will come, for it shall be often given you in the same hour what you shall speak. The right emotions will attend the words, for the Spirit of God creates tenderness and pity. The ice will melt in your spirit, the hard frosts of your long backsliding winter will yield to the returning sun of righteousness, the season of cold and death shall be over and gone, and the time of the singing of birds shall have come to your soul. Then will you be able to teach transgressors God’s ways. O brethren, pray for a revival in your own souls. Beseech the Holy Spirit to come upon you; entreat the Lord to send the breath from the four winds, not only upon the dry bones, but also upon the men who have to prophesy in the valley of the dead.

From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "The Christian's Great Business," delivered September 7, 1873. Image by L Lemos on Flickr under Creative Commons License.

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