Saturday, June 4, 2011

Last Days Inquiries

Is our soul as vigorous in its acts for God as in its emotions towards man? We are told by the Spirit that the time is short, and it remaineth that those who have wives be as though they had not, they that rejoice as though they rejoiced not, and they that weep as though they wept not, because all these things are passing away, and therefore our emotions about them should be comparatively slight; but spiritual things, seeing they endure for ever, ought to have a lodgment in the center of our being, and concerning them we should think deeply and feel strongly. Sorrow for sin should be the keenest sorrow, joy in the Lord should be the loftiest of joy.

Is it so? How find you it with yourselves?

From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "My Prayer," delivered September 22, 1872. Image by Pilottage under Creative Commons License.


Tina said...

To answer honestly..I way too often let my emotions rule my heart:( There was a time that my emotions caused me to be very bold in always speaking the word in Love..But I have little by little allowed my flesh to become comfortable within me,and I don't like it,and I know our Lord doesn't want that..Please pray for me and many others who I know will be pricked by this very important post.Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I find more and more "Christians" going to taste the world, forgetting their "First LOVE" because they grew weary in well doing. And sadly they said, " I have eternal security in salvation, and will not lose it if I sin a little". They do not fear the LORD.
It saddens me. I was there once myself , and God had mercy and brought me back to the FOLD, a prodigal come home.
Thanks for this article that pierces my heart to remind me to pray for others and for me to cleave to My LORD no matter what others may do.