Thursday, December 16, 2010

Healing The World

It is only at the cross, it is only by Jesus crucified that the world can be healed. Hitherto little has been accomplished compared with our desires; and in contrast to our ambitions, next to nothing; but faith, darting beyond the things that are seen, flying into the presence-chamber of God, can behold him writing with the eternal pen, “All flesh shall see the salvation of God;” and she is sure that the tree will sweeten the waters yet. Come, brethren, let your faith prove itself by your works. Help today — today, by your gifts; help tomorrow — tomorrow, by your prayers. Help, some of you, by consecrating yourselves to mission labor.

There is a prayer I mean to continue to offer until it is answered, that God would pour out on this church a missionary spirit. I want to see our young men devoting themselves to the work, some that will not be afraid to venture and preach Jesus Christ in the regions beyond. I have not much faith in missionary societies; it gets less, I must protest, each year; yet we must never put aside one instrumentality until we have a better ready. If the Lord would send the living fire through the churches of England, if he would send from on high a divine impulse, we should see starting up here and there men who would say: “Here are we: send us.” The Spirit of God will say, “Separate me Paul and Barnabas for the work,” and when this is done I look to see far happier days.

We have sweetened the waters a little; no more the suttee burns; the African is free; the slave-ship crosses no more the deep. In some regions exterminating wars have ceased; the white dove of peace flies where the raven of war was seen. Glory be to God. A few leaves cast into the waters have done this. Let us bear a whole Christ and a whole gospel amongst the nations, and lay the tree in this Marah, until at last the whole world shall drink of the sweet waters of divine love, and God shall be all in all. God bless you, beloved, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.

From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "Marah, Or, The Bitter Waters Sweetened," delivered April 23, 1871. Image by Wei Zhang under Creative Commons License.

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