Thursday, June 5, 2008

We need the Holy Ghost


We as a Church, and I may speak freely for my own flock, we long, to see Christ glorified. It is to this end we seek to train up our sons, young men in our much-loved college, that they may go forth as preachers of the Word. We have agencies by which we hope to do something in our generation for our Master, but what is everything we can do without the Holy Ghost? Let us, therefore, pray without ceasing. Oh, without prayer what are the Church’s agencies, but the stretching out of a dead man’s arm, or the lifting up of the lid of a blind man’s eye? Only when the Holy Spirit comes, is there any life and force and power. Cry then mightily unto God, O ye who seek to glorify Christ, for without the Holy Spirit ye utterly fail.

From a sermon entitled "The Holy Spirit Glorifying Christ," delivered August 17, 1862. Flickr photo by Roby Ferrari; some rights reserved.

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