There are many things that we may never hope to be rewarded for here, but that shall be remembered before the throne hereafter, not of debt, but of grace. Like a poor minister I heard of, who, walking to a rustic chapel to preach, was met by a clergyman who had a far richer berth. He asked the poor man what he expected to have for his preaching. “Well,” he said, “I expect to have a crown.” “Ah!” said the clergyman, “I have not been in the habit of preaching for less than a guinea, anyhow.” [Note: under the old system of British coinage, a crown was the name of a coin which typically had a value equal to one-fourth that of another coin, called a guinea. The clergyman has misunderstood the meaning of the poor minister, thinking he is speaking of a small preaching fee.]
“Oh!” said the other, “I am obliged to be content with a crown, and what is more, I do not have my crown now, but I have to wait for that in the future.” The clergyman little thought that he meant the “crown of life that fadeth not away!” Christian! live on the future; seek nothing here, but expect that thou shalt shine when thou shalt come in the likeness of Jesus, with him to be admired, and to kneel before his face adoringly.
From a sermon entitled "The Hope of Future Bliss," delivered May 20, 1855.
Photo by B Balaji; some rights reserved.
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