Saturday, August 13, 2011

The great power of the Spirit

...our sorrows often arise from our not observing the Holy Spirit. He is in us, and he shall be with us for ever. We are troubled about the little progress of the kingdom of God in the world, but if we believe in the Holy Ghost we shall soon get our courage back again.

There is no reason why the simplest sermon, preached in the humblest place, should not at any time be the commencement of a great revival. There is no reason known to us why the simple preaching of Jesus Christ, on any one Sabbath day, should not prove to be the conversion of all the hearers, and, through the hearers, very speedily of an entire nation. We do not know as yet — we have none of us, probably, any notion of — the great power of the Spirit of God.

From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "A Welcome Discovery. Image by mendhak on Flickr under Creative Commons License.

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